Cultural Trip

You will arrive to Yangon airport and be welcomed by our journey staff and you will be brought to hotel. Yangon is the most industrialized and the most bustling city of Myanmar. Amaze yourself with the colonial heritage which is left-over after the invasion of British. Upon a brief fresh up commence Yangon city tour.

Cultural Trip ( Wings Code – 011 )
Yangon – Mandalay – Mingun – Sagaing – Monywa – Pakokku – Bagan – Yangon ( 11 Nights / 12 Days )

Day 1

Yangon Arrival

You will arrive to Yangon airport and be welcomed by our journey staff and you will be brought to hotel. Yangon is the most industrialized and the most bustling city of Myanmar. Amaze yourself with the colonial heritage which is left-over after the invasion of British. Upon a brief fresh up commence Yangon city tour. Highlight; down town Yangon with its faded colonial atmosphere such as central post office, historic Strand hotel, custom house and high court to observe the colonial heritage in Yangon, then city center where Sule Pagoda located to see the bustling life of Yangon and City Hall. In the afternoon, visit BogyokeAung San Market (Scott’s Market), where one can buy many items in one place. Bogyoke Market was built in British colonial times and has a colonial shape. Proceed to visit the most magnificent and spectacular religious edifice, Shwedagon Pagoda before the sun set and enjoy the beauty stupa while it changes the shining of gold in different tones according to the radiant of the setting sun. Overnight at the hotel in Yangon. Enjoy dinner with cultural at Karaweik palace . Stay overnight at the Hotel in Yangon.

Day 2

Yangon – Mandalay

Breakfast at hotel and transfer to airport for your Mandalay bound flight . Mandalay is the last kingdom as well as the center of the Myanma cultural, tradition, arts and crafts has long been known as a centre of skilled craftsmanship and in former times supplied the royal courts. A four of traditional workshops includes crafts such as woodcarving, marble masonry, Kalaga tapestry and gold leaf making etc. Overnight in Mandalay.

Day 3

Mandalay – Mingun

Have breakfast at hotel and leave for Mayan Chan jetty which is often busy with buffaloes logging the Myanmar’s super teak and watch the people who are working with Bamboo rafting. Cross Ayeyarwaddy River by local fishermen boat to arrive to Mingun. Observe the world’s biggest ringing bell established by Bodawpaya in 1080. The bell is said to be weighed 55555 vises which is equal to 90 tons as well as Mingun Pahtodawgyi, a huge pile of bricks which is the remains of King’s Bodawpaya ambition to build the world’s largest Buddha image. Other places you should also explore Settawya Pagoda with a marble foot print of Buddha and Shin Byu Me pagoda which are built in 19 century by King Bagyidaw, Bodawpaya’s grandson. Return to Mandalay and go sightseeing and walk around the bottom of the Mandalay hill. We can walk up stairs or drive up to Mandalay hill for a wonderful scene of the whole city. Overnight in Mandalay.

Day 4


Have breakfast at hotel and visit Phayagyi to observe the most revered Mahamyatmuni Pagoda which was brought by King Bodawpaya in 1784 from Rakine. The 4 meter cross-legged Image was believed to have been castled in 1st century and it is now over 15 meters thicker by offering gold leaf. The Mahamyatmuni daily face washing ceremony which you shouldn’t miss held from 4am every day. After a visit to stone carving, bronze casting and silk weaving process continue to ancient capital of Amarapura, it means “city of immortality”. Go to Mahagandayon Monastery, a home of several thousands of Buddhist navies and monks and learn the way they have lunch. Pay a short visit of 200 years old U Bein teak bridge, built in 1782 when Amarapura was a capital. Places where you must go and explore: unique monasteries and monuments including a look at 88 feet high watchtower, Bargaya teak monastery was built in 1834 which is famous for its teak pillar amounted up to 267 in total and the remains of the royal palace and fort. Go back to Mandalay and stay overnight in Mandalay.

Day 5

Mandalay – Sagaing – Monywa

After breakfast at hotel, drive to Sagaing Hill, a complete retreat from the hurly-burly life or a corner for peace and silence. The hill is actually a home for hundreds of monasteries. It contributes a significant role in Myanmar religious belief. After visiting Sagain Hill continue drive to Monywa. Monywar is a typical town located on the bank of the Chindwin river. Overnight in Monywar.

Day 6


Breakfast at hotel and depart for jetty, cross the Chindwin river and proceed to Poe Win Taung site where Buddha Images in the caves carved from the rocky hills. This extraordinary complex consists of 947 sandstone caves dug out of the hills and contains what is considered by archaeologists to be the richest collection of mural paintings and Buddhist statues in South East Asia. proceed to nearby Shwebataung, another very interesting side where Monasteries and temples are carved out of narrow cliffs. Afternoon visit to Thanbottay Pagoda, unique in all of Myanmar, beautifully decorated with the most beautiful stuccowork in the country. Thanboddhay also is unique for it is more than 580,000 Buddha images covering every wall and archway and Bodditataung Pagoda with a grove of banyan trees each with a Buddha at its foot. Continue visit cotton blanket weavers, and the traditional lacquer ware workers at Kyaukkar village. Sunset from Alantayar Pagoda, sight of the largest reclining Buddha image in all of South East Asia, over 600 feet in length. Overnight in Monywar.

Day 7

Monywa – Pakokku- Bagan

Breakfast at hotel and have a great day by driving along the country road . You may stop at villages and everywhere people delighted to have their pictures taken! A visit to Pakangyi – said to be the place of skillful quibblers in Myanmar. Observe the huge monasteries, supported by the hundreds of teak pillars and ornamental backdrop of a throne and the most amazing, wood carved Buddha Image. Cross the Ayeyarwady river by Z craft to get to Bagan. Bagan, founded as early as in 849 on the banks of the Ayeyarwady river was the capital of today Myanmar. The 11th century archaeological site is considered one of the richest and most amazing sites in Asia. Overnight in Bagan.

Day 8


After breakfast at the hotel, depart for a sightseeing excursion around the Bagan Archaeological Zone World Heritage Area. A comprehensive exploration of Bagan includes NyaungOo market; Shwezigon Pagoda, the prototype of later Myanmar stupas; KyansitthaUmin; Wet-kyi-inn Gubyaukgyi Temple with exquisite mural painting of 13th century and Htilominlo Temple. In the afternoon, after a visit to lacquer ware workshops; continue to Manuha Temple built by exile King Manuha; Nanphaya, said to have been the residence of King Manuha; Ananda Temple, architectural masterpiece and Oak-Kyaung monastery decorated with multi colour mural paintings. Enjoy the breathtaking sunset from one of the temple of Bagan. Overnight at the hotel in Bagan.

Day 9

Bagan- Popa – Bagan

This morning, we will be watching sunrise over Bagan (optional) and back to hotel for breakfast. After breakfast at hotel, we head to Mt. Popa about 48 km south east of Bagan. Mt. Popa, known as the abode of Nats (spirits) – a collection of 37 magical spirits both feared and honored by some Myanmar people and the nat museum, which houses 37 life-size nat statues sculpted from teak. It’s time to climb for 777 steps to the summit. Proceed to Popa Mountain Resort ( 1hr drive ) for our lunch. The restaurant offer a great view to the Popa summit that stands straight from the central plain. After lunch, return drive back to Bagan. On the way back, enroute stop at village cottage industry to learn the regional product as well as to watch the collection of juice from the palm trees, and its conversion to brown sugar. Overnight at the hotel in Bagan.

Day 10


Breakfast at hotel and explore Bagan archaeological zone. Highlights; Gawdawpalin one of the largest and most imposing Monument in Bagan, Shwegugyi temple of transitional in style between the early and late Bagan period , Thabyinnyu temple , the highest monument of universal science, Shwesandaw temple for panoramic view of entire ruins, Dhammyangyi unique of double Image of Buddha, Myazedi pillar inscribed in four language mainly Myanmar, Mon, Pali and Pyu, Manhua temple with captive king’s impression of life imprisonment and Abeyadana temple famous for it’s fine mural paintings on Mahayana Buddhism. Visit one of the lacquer ware workshop to observe process of traditional Myanmar souvenir. Enjoy sunset from either newly built watch tower or one of the ruins. Overnight in Bagan.

Day 11


Breakfast at hotel and rest of the day at your leisure. Late afternoon transfer to airport for your Yangon bound flight. Upon arrival at Yangon meet and greet by your driver and transfer to your hotel. In the evening , enjoy the breathtaking sunset from Botahtuaung pagoda which are very special pagoda since there’s Buddha’s hair inside these pagodas, Have fun going around downtown and to enjoy our modernized city life as well as pay a visit to China town. Overnight in Yangon.

Day 12


After breakfast at hotel, you will be transferred to Yangon International airport for your return international departure flight. Visit to”Chaukhtathgyi Pagoda” it is the fourth largest colossal reclining image in Myanmar and 67m long. On the way back, enroute stop at Kyauktawgyi pagoda , which is one of the biggest marble Buddha Images in Myanmar with a height of 37ft (11m) and a weight of weighs over 600 tons. The classical name of this Image is Lawkachantha Abaya Labamuni, meaning World Peace and Prosperity. This Sitting Buddha Image is curved out from a single marble stone. The giant stone was found in the Sakyin region, Medaya Township in Mandalay Division. The draft sculpture was carried through the Ayeyarwaddy river down to Yangon. Then it was finally touched up. The sculpting and the enshrining got completed in 2008 and located in Insein. After that, we will transfer you to Yangon airport for your departure flight and conclude this wonderful travelling experience.


*** Happy Joys to Travel ***

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